Professor Bijou
Professor Bijou The professor is a very mysterious man, but a man who loves everyone he comes across. Except birds, Bijou hates birds. In his spare time away from writing, Bijou likes to go on long drives in the country and ponder his life.

Decoberry Raises 2 Million Angel Round Plans Growth

Decoberry Raises 2 Million Angel Round Plans Growth

Home interiors have undergone rapid changes over the last few years. Homeowners across the United States are spending more time, energy, and resources in figuring out what they need for their living space. While companies are focused on providing options for home offices and recreational spaces, within the home, window treatments, especially curtains, have not seen a great extent of innovation. The space is cluttered on one side with cheaper, synthetic fiber-based options and expensive bespoke options on the other side.  “We’ve been in the market for less than a year now and we’ve realized that there is a huge demand in the market for high-quality refined curtains with designer appeal. Our challenge was to ensure we deliver our products at an accessible price, and I am glad we’ve been able to do that successfully,” said Divya Haridas, CEO at Decoberry. Decoberry leverages a global supply chain ecosystem to create products with great designs and quality, cost-effectively. They focus on utilizing natural fibers like cotton, leading to a premium look and feel.  “We offer 200+ designs in ready-made sizes and the option to customize your curtains, a confluence that can help reduce the cost of buying curtains for the entire home substantially,” Divya explains. Decoberry plans to use the money for product innovation, content creation and expand digital sales channels.   ### About Decoberry Decoberry ( is a digital-first home furnishings store with a focus on curtains and window treatments. Founded in August 2020, our endeavor has always been to share with our customers a collection of ideas, designs, and products that helps them transform their house into a home. We offer a wide range of high-quality ready-made curtains made using natural fibers in the majority of our products as well as made-to-order custom curtains. Media Contact:  Divya HaridasCompany:  DecoberryEmail:  [email protected] Source: Decoberry